Monday, December 27, 2010

On Facebook

Read a damn status once in a while. BEFORE you make retarded comments on photo albums. 

It's NOT that difficult. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

On Driving

If your name isn't on it, it isn't yours. 
Don't get butt hurt when you don't get the parking space right in front of your destination. If you do, that makes you lazy. It won't kill you to walk an extra 20 feet. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On Photography

Am I the only person who is tired of everyone on the planet taking pictures of leaves, trees, and flowers and calling it their "photography?"

Sure it looks cool, but if you REALLY want to be creative take a picture of something we DON'T see every day. 

On Dating

Boyfriends need man time. Let them hang out with their bros and don't treat them like 5-year-olds (don't text them when they're with their friends). They'll be just fine on their own. 

If you don't like your boyfriend's friends you need a new boyfriend. Or you need to learn to like their friends because there's no way a (sane) man is going to ditch ALL his friends for you. 

On Television and Movies

Five things everyone should know about high school:
  1. Student-teacher relationships are not glamorous, they're illegal.
  2. Prom is NOT that dramatic. 
  3. The truth is, a lot of high school glee clubs are painful to watch. 
  4. In high school you're underage. Therefore you cannot legally drink or smoke. Either way it doesn't make you cool.
  5. Not everyone goes to the top school. *cough cough* HSM3 *cough cough*

On Facebook

People don't like it when you make rude comments on their Facebook. 

I don't care if you're personality allows for some poking fun at people, it doesn't transfer over the internet. Have some tact, be polite. 

It's common sense: treat others the way you want to be treated. If you want to be rude to people, be ready to have someone fire back at you with something equally (if not ten times MORE) rude as what you said. 

On Clothing

Dear women of all ages: spandex shorts, tights, and thigh high boots DONT QUALIFY AS SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE RAIN ATTIRE. Thank you, I hope you get pneumonia.

On a side note, they don't qualify as socially acceptable attire, period. So there. Put on some pants and read your Bible for crying out loud. 

On Driving

Dear drivers at the mall, I understand that you have things to do and places to be; but it would really make the roads safer if you didn't act like you're the only person on earth who is stressed out by the holidays. There WILL be a parking space, you WILL find something for your mother-in-law and you definitely WILL have a merry Christmas if you USE YOUR BRAIN WHILE DRIVING. Kthanksbye.