Thursday, January 20, 2011

On Friendships

Best friends are the people who never need an explanation for anything. They just know what's going on at all times. 

I used to have that. 

But I don't have that anymore, not really. 

When I try to talk to my best friend... It's almost like talking to a wall. That's about how responsive they are to whatever I say. 

So I'm just saying, if you want to share the good things that are going on in your life with someone, it's not because you're fishing for compliments. It's because things are going good, and your best friend should want to know about it. 

But if you don't want to know about it, what's the point in even being friends?

I'm officially done trying. It hurts too much to try and be your friend when you obviously don't even care. You clearly don't want me in your life, so why should I want you in mine?

That's right, I shouldn't want you in my life. Because all you do is drag me away from the things and people that make me happy. You're too stuck in the place you're at to see that there's more to life than partying and complaining about everything that sucks in your life. 

I'm pretty sure you're aware that I read tumblr, I'm not stupid. 

So when you post backhanded things on your blog, I get the message. 

This is me officially being done and saying, "goodbye." Because saying, "talk to you soon" implies that we might actually talk in the future. And we both know we won't, so let's stop pretending like we have anything in common anymore. 

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