Thursday, April 21, 2011

On Clothing

I don't care how cool you think you are, if the pattern is too loud and the shirt is too tight: IT'S NOT CUTE. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

On Imbeciles

Class has started at 10 all semester. 

So obviously, any time before 10, there's going to be different people in the room for a different class. 


This really needed clarification? Your phone doesn't have a clock?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On Common Sense

It's fine to be friends with your ex. 

It's fine to have friends who are friends with you AND your ex. 

It's NOT fine to have some punk freshman come to you and say, "so did you hear about the date your ex went on?"

Excuse me, but when did it become your business to tell me about his life? Oh that's right, never. If he wants me to know, I will.

Good for him for going out on a date. I obviously broke up with him because I'm NOT THAT INTERESTED in dating him anymore. 


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On Common Sense

When a professor says, "I will email you if we don't have class," it's pretty self explanatory. 

So why is it that I got at text message that read "We didn't get an email... Do we still have class?!?" 20 minutes before class was supposed to start?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Clothing

Mini shorts and UGG boots DO NOT GO TOGETHER! 


Wanna wear the shorts? Wear sandals. 
Wanna wear the boots? Wear pants. You may have heard of them, they cover your legs. 

If you want me to, I will personally come to your place of living and put outfits together for you. Because clearly you're having some trouble. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Breakups

I'm calling bull shit on people after breakups. 

When someone says "I will never find someone as great as you.... and it tears me apart and I dont really want to live"

That's absolute crap. And it's completely immature to say, especially on Facebook.

I'm sorry if I sound insensitive, but I mean really, you'd be TAKING YOUR LIFE. 

In short, you would be flipping God off in about three major ways. The list being:
  1. You're saying that you don't care about his plan for you because you're convinced that the person you just broke up with is the ONLY soul on this earth who you could ever imagine yourself with.
  2. You're saying that God can't mend the hurt that you're feeling so you want to end it yourself and face the chance of going to hell for selfishly taking your life when it probably wasn't your time to die. 
  3. You're flat out being a dumbass. You have a brain, so use it. Your brain is probably saying, "Moron, come off it. She was a horrible girlfriend!! You know it and so does the rest of the world!"
So go ahead, flip God off. 

If you want to die after you got yourself out of a horrible relationship then that's on you, but there are better options out there. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

On Using Your Brain

I don't care how old you are, READ MORE SIGNS. 

When something says "enter," follow the path to the exit. Don't just turn around and try to exit through the entrance. 

Yelled at the little junior highers in the ADC today. The kids were being really obnoxious. It took everything for me to not be super snotty and say, "Okay so I know that you're in junior high and you know everything and can't possibly be ANY COOLER than you are at this point in your life, but can you just use the brain God gave you, put your stupid tray in the tray return and walk out the exit like a normal person?"

All I said was, "EXCUSE ME go the other way."

Thankfully the person I was with thought it was funny or I would have felt a little bad about it.